During one of my manic media blasts right before the Joan of Arc parade, I sent a press release to the French Embassy in Washington, DC via their website. The communications person there received it a few days after the parade, but she was happy to include news of it in their February newsletter.
You can sign up to receive a free copy of The French Embassy's publication "News from France" by going to the publications menu at:
Their next issue should be out this week. Look for a photo of the parade and a write-up about our inaugural St. Joan of Arc Parade!
NOTE: This makes two pieces of national coverage for our first annual event..the first was an AP story that ran in papers (Washingtontimes.com and many more) and online magazines (Newsweek.com and others) across the country a week before the event...many of the links are dead now but here's one TX paper that still has a live link w/ the AP article: