Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is for this that I was born!

On this date February 23rd in 1429 Joan began her mission to save France--and to think it's otherwise only known as "National Tennis Day" or "International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day" (http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/february.htm)!!!

Read Ben Kennedy's excellent account of it here on his blogspot (which you should also be following if you are reading this blog!):

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Joan, Intercede (Intercept) for Us!

Prayer composed by Andre J. Duvoisin, as a nod to battle prayers of yore...

Read aloud by over 100 people at the Joan of Arc statue at New Place de France today, led by our 2010 St. Joan Parade "Maid of Honor" Blair Davis. We were serenaded to the statue by Treme Brass Band, second-lining with Saints fans, with Joan in front, flanked by two boys dressed as "medieval football players" (aka my stepsons!)...pictures will be posted soon..

After the prayer was read, Treme Brass Band played When the Saints Go Marching In, culminating in another WHO DAT battle cry, and several people left offerings at Joan's statue, including flowers, beads, penants, prayers, and candles.


Jeanne d'Arc we come to you as Maid of Heaven and instrument of righteousness.We pray for your grace and blessings on behalf of our city, our team, our players, and ourselves on this eve of battle. We ask for your wisdom--through St. Margaret, St. Catherine, and St. Michael the Archangel--to guide our coaches, that they think clearly, plan tirelessly, and act decisively, and to shield our players from the violent intentions of the enemy. Help them to remember their training and to apply those lessons to the swift defeat of our opponent. We appeal to your sense of divine justice and leadership, as the Maid of Orleans, to grant us this final victory. Saint Joan, Please Bless our Boys! Amen! Who Dat!

Friday, February 5, 2010


French Market staff (thank you Curtis Turner!!!) hung a Saints flag behind and above Joan at New Place de France, even adding a small handheld flag..come down and check it out! Another "only in New Orleans!" moment!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Join us for a St. Joan and the Saints second line!

This Saturday the French Market is having a WHO DAT party all day with two of the city's best brass bands doing their thang from 11:30-3:30: The Storyville Stompers and The Treme Brass Band. In true New Orleans style, they will serenade the entire French Market, all of its six blocks from Cafe du Monde to the Flea Market...starting at Dutch Alley at 11:30 and ending at the Joan of Arc statue at 3:30 p.m.

Right now above the golden Joan statue, at New Place de France in the French Market, where St. Phillip Street meets Decatur, waves a black flag with a gold fleur de lis, placed between the French flag and the state of Louisiana flag...the perfect place to gather to offer up our hopes and prayers to Joan to assist us in victory on Sunday...

Who Dat say they gonna beat Saint Joan?

We take nothing for granted in this town. As much as we feel confident that we're gonna kick some young horsey butt, we're going to do our best to ensure a victory by asking our young warrior Maid to intercede...


Join us at the culmination of the all day moving pep rally in the French Market as we pay homage to Joan, ask her to lead the Saints in "battle", and give offerings of flowers, Saints stuff, and black and gold items. Wear your black and gold, bring your offerings of real or fake flowers, Saints memorabilia, anything black and gold you are willing to leave at the foot of the statue to ask Joan for help...not that Drew needs it, but it doesn't hurt...

"Behind every successful modern-day quarterback is a successful medieval teenage female warrior"--right?

Saturday, February 6th http://www.frenchmarket.org/

11:30 Storyville Stompers start in Dutch Alley, where St. Phillip meets the River

11:45 Storyville Stompers begin to stroll the Market, here, there and everywhere

1:00 Get your FREE 22"inch square gold and black WHO DAT handkerchief...and get ready..

1:30 Second Line with Storyville Stompers and Treme Brass Band to the Farmer's Market at Ursulines and N. Peters Streets (approx. one block distance)

1:45-2:00 Storyville Stompers and Treme Brass Band jam at the Farmer's Market

2:00-3:00 Treme Brass Band strolls the French Market

3:15 Treme Brass Band second lines with our local Maid of Honor, Blair Davis, who led our 2010 parade, from the French Market Arch to the Joan of Arc statue (approx. one block distance)

3:30 Arrive at Joan of Arc statue for a short prayer and gift-giving and more music

3:45 Event ends

All are welcome! Wear your black and gold! Bring your swords! Bring your confetti!