I am planning on throwing Atomic Fireballs as a kind of irreverent nod to my beloved Joan...but because she is so beloved, it occurred to me that I should also include something more reverent...then I found out that Deb, mentioned in another entry as my "active Catholic" friend, is going to throw prayer cards!
Another Joan of Arc fan, Rob, who owns http://www.saintsforsinners.com/ a company that makes hand painted Saint medallions, is considering tossing a few of his precious pieces...
You certainly don't have to throw anything, but if you do...I encourage you to be creative and relevant. Please bring anything relating to Twelfth Night, Joan of Arc, the Feast of the Epiphany, medieval or Renaissance-related...we don't want this to look or feel like just any or just any other Mardi Gras parade!
...One person said they are bringing gold confetti to throw as an homage to Joan's golden statue where the parade ends...