The Krewe de Jeanne d'Arc
A full day conference about Joan of Arc produced by
The Joan of Arc Project, New Orleans, Louisiana
Saturday, September 20th 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Free and open to the public
LOCATION: Loyola University New Orleans Danna Student Center, Audubon Room, second floor. The Danna Center is located one block from St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans. Loyola University is located at 6363 St Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118. Ample on-street parking is available.
MEET THE KREWE: An information table will be hosted throughout the day by members of the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc so that attendees can learn about the Joan of Arc Parade and our other Joan of Arc Project events throughout the year. Membership will be available for purchase on-site. For general information on the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc, visit
Doors open at 10:30 a.m.
11 a.m. to 11:30 Telling Joan’s Story: The Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc Library Project presented by Library Project Director Amanda Helm.
Joan of Arc has inspired countless artists to tell and retell her story through books, music, visual art, theater and cinema. This presentation will highlight representations of Joan through film and as well as briefly introduce the joint project of the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc and the New Orleans Public Library to build a Joan of Arc collection.
Amanda Helm is an assistant professor of marketing at Xavier University of Louisiana and wears many hats for the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc: Archangel Michael character, costume artist, library project director, webmaster and membership director.
11:45 to 12:15 p.m. SAVE Joanie on the Pony! A slide show presentation on the story of the beloved French Quarter Joan of Arc statue and the current efforts to restore her. An overview of the history of the statue, its move to the French Quarter, and repairs thus far will be presented. A discussion following the presentation led by members of the Monumental Task Committee will explain opportunities for volunteers and donors to lend a hand on the necessary current repairs.
Ashley Merlin is passionate about photography. Born and raised in New Orleans, she graduated from Lehigh University with a B.A. in Journalism.In 2002, Miss Merlin opened a local photography studio. A connoisseur of local New Orleans Photography, Merlin’s work has been featured at the New Orleans Photo Alliance Gallery, University of New Orleans Fine Arts Gallery and the New Orleans Museum of Art as well as in many local and national publications. She is a member of the New Orleans Photo Alliance, American Society of Media Photographers, Arts Council of New Orleans and Professional Photographers of America and the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce. Statuesque New Orleans, her first book, was published in 2010. Miss Merlin is a board member of the Monumental Task Committee, a non-profit dedicated to preserving, restoring and advocating for the statues and monuments of New Orleans.
12:30 to 1:15 THE MAID AND THE QUEEN: The Secret History of Joan of Arc
The Salon de Jeanne d’Arc’s keynote presentation will be given by Nancy Goldstone, author of the 2012 non-fiction breakthrough book The Maid and the Queen, the untold story of the extraordinary queen who championed Joan of Arc. How did an illiterate peasant girl gain access to the future king of France, earn his trust, and ultimately lead his forces into battle? Was it only the hand of God that moved Joan of Arc-or was it also Yolande of Aragon?
Politically astute, ambitious, and beautiful, Yolande of Aragon, queen of Sicily, was one of the most powerful women of the Middle Ages. Caught in the complex dynastic battle of the Hundred Years War, Yolande championed the dauphin's cause against the forces of England and Burgundy, drawing on her savvy, her statecraft, and her intimate network of spies. But the enemy seemed invincible. Just as French hopes dimmed, an astonishingly courageous young woman named Joan of Arc arrived from the farthest recesses of the kingdom, claiming she carried a divine message-a message that would change the course of history and ultimately lead to the coronation of Charles VII and the triumph of France.
Nancy Goldstone has a passion for Medieval and Renaissance history and old and rare books. She is the author, most recently, of The Maid and the Queen: The Secret History of Joan of Arc, recently optioned for feature film. Her other works include The Lady Queen: The Notorious Reign of Joanna I, Queen of Naples, Jerusalem and Sicily, an acclaimed biography of the only woman of the fourteenth century to rule a major European kingdom in her own right and Four Queens: The Provencal Sisters Who Ruled Europe, the story of a family of four thirteenth-century sisters, the daughters of the count of Provence, who became the queens of France, England, Germany and Sicily. Prior to Four Queens, Mrs. Goldstone wrote two books of medieval history with her husband Lawrence: The Friar and the Cipher, a narrative non-fiction account of the life of the great 13th century scientist Roger Bacon, and Out of the Flames, the story of 16th century theologian and physician Michael Servetus, who was burned at the stake by John Calvin, reputedly with the last copy of his book, in which he had hidden a great medical discovery, chained to his leg. She and her husband have also written three humorous memoirs on their experiences in the world of rare and antiquarian books: Used and Rare, Slightly Chipped, and Warmly Inscribed. Mrs. Goldstone has written and reviewed for a number of publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe Magazine and The Miami Herald. Her next book, The Rival Queens: Catherine de’ Medici, her Daughter Marguerite de Valois, and the Betrayal that Ignited a Kingdom will be published in June, 2015.
1:15-2:00 p.m. Lunch Break and Booksigning with Nancy Goldstone. Meet the author and enjoy lunch and the chance to mingle with others interested in Jeanne d’Arc.
1:45-2:00 Scenes from Henry VI performed by local actors under the direction of Artemis Preeshl. Henry VI, part 1, highlights the battle of Orleans in which Joan of Arc is triumphant. In Shakespeare (and Thomas Nashe 's) version, a shepherd maid, Joan goes to King Charles of France and wins him to her side. She wins the battle, but she calls on demons to assist her. Facing trial for witchcraft and heresy, she eloquently tries her own case against a jury of French nobles. She is imprisoned and burned at the stake. Henry VI sides with the white rose of the house of York. In the end of the play, the Earl of Suffolk marries Margaret of Anjou to empower the house of Lancaster, the red rose. This play is the prelude to the English war of the Roses.
Artemis Preeshl was a fellow at Shakespeare's Globe. She specializes in Commedia dell'arte in Shakespeare's comedies set in Italy. Professor Preeshl has acted in and directed Shakespeare's canon. Most recently, she directed a commedia dell'arte scenario of Othello in Croatia in Croatian.
2:15 to 2:45 p.m. Twelfth Night in the Middle Ages, a Loyola Medieval Studies program presentation. Joan’s birthday is January 6th, The Epiphany, but also celebrated as Twelfth Night, although technically Twelfth Night is Jan 5th. We have created our own New Orleans Twelfth Night tradition with the annual Joan of Arc Parade, incorporating various Twelfth Night and Mardi Gras traditions. Dr. Sebastian and other members of the Loyola Medieval Studies department will enlighten us on other traditions, some still celebrated, some not, that originated in Europe in the Middle Ages for the Epiphany and Twelfth Night.
Dr. John T. Sebastian is Associate Professor of Medieval Literature at Loyola University New Orleans and the former director of Loyola's Medieval Studies program. He has published articles on medieval topics from Chaucer to video game adaptations of Dante's Divine Comedy with a focus on medieval drama and performance. At Loyola he teaches the literatures of the medieval world from Iceland to Japan.
3:00 to 3:45 Porkchop Productions presents Jeanne D’arc: The Transformation
From intimate conversations with Saints Michael, Catherine, and Margaret, to the inner conflicts of her role as a woman versus her call to serve God and country, this one-woman performance highlights Joan of Arc’s physical transformation from “Maid” to “Warrior”. Based on historical documentation, eyewitness accounts, and quotes attributed to Joan, this original piece, written exclusively for the 5th Annual Salon de Jeanne d’Arc, delves into the future saint’s decision to fight for France. On to Orléans!
Stacey Maxwell is Founder and Artistic Director of Porkchop Productions theatre company and the 2014 recipient of the Columbia College Alumanae Association’s Career Achievement Award. Since 1995, Porkchop Productions has established itself as one of the premiere touring theatre companies in the Southeast, specializing in theatre performances and residencies for grades K-12, and arts integration strategies and professional development workshops for educators. Celebrating its 20thtouring season, Porkchop’s interactive approach to the performing arts has delighted and inspired thousands of young people and families in schools, libraries, and community venues. Visitwww.porkchopproductions.comfor more information.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST : A “HANDS-ON SALON” will be held the following day for members and prospective members!
Hands-on Salon Workshop at the home of krewe member and costume artist Amanda Helm. Help build props and make medieval costumes and throws for the Krewe. There will be projects for all skills levels. Prospective and new members welcome, advance registration required. Register here for the Hands On Salon: