The Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc
Presents a public prayer for Joan & the Gulf Coast
Sunday, May 30th, 2010 at Joan's statue
On the 579 year anniversary of Joan’s execution May 30, 1431@ RouĂ©n, France
Presents a public prayer for Joan & the Gulf Coast
Sunday, May 30th, 2010 at Joan's statue
On the 579 year anniversary of Joan’s execution May 30, 1431@ RouĂ©n, France
Prayer composed by Amy A. Kirk Duvoisin
Oh Saint Joan,
On this anniversary of your day of suffering we honor and celebrate your life. We come to you to pay respect and to ask for your intervention as we enter a potentially brutal hurricane season and a perpetually brutal summer.
Oh Saint Joan,
On this anniversary of your day of suffering we honor and celebrate your life. We come to you to pay respect and to ask for your intervention as we enter a potentially brutal hurricane season and a perpetually brutal summer.
You who of all people can appreciate heat…You of all people can appreciate our hatred of British Petroleum…you of all people know what it is like to be frustrated by your kings and generals…We come to plead for your assistance and guidance to “put the heat” on the United States Government and British Petroleum—and to shield us from further environmental destruction.
Although you were aided by government and God, you alone fought and suffered and persevered. We understand the battles ahead and the suffering we may endure and ask that you help us to persevere in this—another!—man-made disaster.
We pray that you help BP be brought to justice. You who were unfairly judged and tried—bring these men to trial SOON and swiftly aid in their sentencing. May the Judges of Heaven and Earth hold them responsible for every pelican and oyster lost. You who won your country but lost your life—stand up in Heaven for all life lost due to active greed and inactive response.
Our livelihood and culture is at stake. We beseech you! Rise up from the ashes and stop the flow of oil and tears!
Bring your armor of love and light to the Gulf Coast and let it serve as a barrier to the darkness washing ashore. Call on Saint Catherine, Saint Michael, and Saint Margaret to assist everyone in raising their voices so that the President and BP can hear them.
Lift your sword, Saint Joan, and cut through the lies to lead us to justice and salvation! AMEN!